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Phishing Test

of cybersecurity breaches are caused by Human error"

Awee utilizes advanced phishing test technology to evaluate human responses to Cyber threats and provide remedial measures that when acted upon will reduce an organization's Human Behavioral Risk Profile.

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Tips with phishing tests

1- Testing


Awee has multiple different tests that we can use to identify the unique vulnerabilities in your organization.  The Awee phishing test will evaluate all tested team members through a simulated cybersecurity attack.

2- Cybersecurity Awareness

Regular cybersecurity awareness dramatically reduces the risk of cyber attacks due to human error. It is important to raise awareness every year because cyber attacks are constantly evolving.

3- Testing the


After each awareness period, it is important to check if your teams have understood the importance of good Cyber hygiene. Conducting additional phishing tests during and after the cybersecurity campaign is critical to determine how your organization is doing.

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