An easy way to raise cybersecurity awareness
The goal of the Awee modules is to teach employees, students, members, etc., the right behaviors to adopt in Cybersecurity. Awee teaches them how to recognize cyber threats and how to avoid them or report them. To achieve this we offer many modules that are constantly being updated and added to in response to current identified threats. You determine which modules will be most important for each stakeholder group in your organization.
General Level
Awee has developed a suite of Cybersecurity Identification and Avoidance modules that are applicable regardless of your computer/software knowledge. The focus is on developing good Cybersecurity hygiene to avoid Cybersecurity threats.
Management Level
Managers have an important role to play in awareness and management of cybersecurity. That's why we have created several modules adapted to their position.
IT Staff Level
Awee modules that are specific to IT trained employees are also available. These modules take into consideration their deeper understanding of the Cybersecurity threats that they face and how to identify and avoid these threats.
Want personalized cybersecurity awareness modules?
Do you have a cybersecurity issue that we haven't thought of? We can create modules or micro-modules adapted to your needs. We have already created new modules at the request of clients that are now available for those who wish to use them.
Individuals interact with the Awee learning platform in a self-learning environment. They learn either at their own pace or at the pace you wish.
They can access the modules from their smart phone, tablet or computer at any time.
The modules are not just videos to watch, you also have to answer questions and actively participate in the learning experience.
You choose the subjects on which you want to train your teams. If it is not in our list, we can create the module for you.
Monitor the progress of your teams at all times to make sure everyone is aware.
To transmit knowledge quickly
You want shorter modules than our traditional 10 minutes modules or you want to combine the two formats? All this is possible thanks to the creation of our new micro-modules addressing a variety of topics in Cybersecurity.
Just like our traditional modules, we can make your micro-modules on demand. Contact us for a quote or to make suggestion/recommendations.